Blackberry and Chocolate Chunk Crumble

The season for picking blackberries is here, so why not turn your foraged fruits into a warming and chocolatey crumble – a moreish dish to cosy up with and enjoy on a fresh Autumn Day!



For the topping

  • 120g plain flour
  • 60g caster sugar
  • 60g unsalted butter but into pieces


For the filling



  • Heat oven to 190C/170C fan, gas mark 5
  • Place 120g plain flour and 60g caster sugar into a large bowl
  • Add 60g unsalted butter and rub into the flour using your fingertips making light breadcrumbs – try not to overwork the mixture
  • Sprinkle the mixture evenly on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes until it’s a light golden colour
  • Meanwhile, put 30g unsalted butter and 30g demerara sugar into a medium sized pan and melt over a medium heat for 3 minutes until the mixture turns a warm caramel colour
  • Stir in the blackberries and the ground cinnamon and cook for a further 4 minutes
  • Turn off the heat and leave to cook for a further 2 minutes in the heat of the pan
  • Spoon the warm blackberries into a medium-sized baking dish or divide between 4 individual dishes. Top with the crumble mixture and sprinkle chocolate chunks over the top. Reheat in the oven for a further 12 minutes and serve with vanilla ice cream or simply enjoy on its own.

For more easy baking recipes using Lily O'Brien's Chocolate visit our Chocolate Blog