Mega Milk Chocolate Rocky Road

Biscuits, Marshmallows, Fudge and moreish 40% Mega Milk Chocolate, try this indulgent Rocky Road recipe for the ultimate sweet treat.


• 200g shortbread fingers
• 135g unsalted butter
• 220g Lily O’Brien’s Mega Milk Chocolate (2 share bags)
• 2-3 tbsp golden syrup
• 100g mini marshmallows
• 50g mini fudge pieces
• 50g pecans, broken into large pieces
• Additional marshmallows and fudge for decoration (optional)


• Grease and line an 18cm square brownie tin with greaseproof paper.
• Roughly cut your shortbread into chunks the size of brazil nuts and place to one side
• In a large saucepan melt the butter, chocolate and golden syrup together over a gentle heat, stirring constantly until there are no lumps of chocolate visible, then remove from the heat and leave to cool.
• Stir the remaining ingredients into the chocolate mixture until everything is completely coated.
• Empty the mixture into your lined brownie tin, spreading it out into the corners.
• If using sprinkle over additional mini marshmallows and fudge pieces to decorate, pressing these down slightly with the back of a spoon into the mixture.
• Chill for at least 2 hrs in the fridge then slice into squares using a hot knife for clean cuts.
• Keep in an airtight container in the fridge and enjoy within a 1-2 weeks.

Biscuits, Marshmallows, Fudge and moreish 40% Mega Milk Chocolate, try this indulgent Rocky Road recipe for the ultimate sweet treat.


• 200g shortbread fingers
• 135g unsalted butter
• 220g Lily O’Brien’s Mega Milk Chocolate (2 share bags)
• 2-3 tbsp golden syrup
• 100g mini marshmallows
• 50g mini fudge pieces
• 50g pecans, broken into large pieces
• Additional marshmallows and fudge for decoration (optional)


• Grease and line an 18cm square brownie tin with greaseproof paper.
• Roughly cut your shortbread into chunks the size of brazil nuts and place to one side
• In a large saucepan melt the butter, chocolate and golden syrup together over a gentle heat, stirring constantly until there are no lumps of chocolate visible, then remove from the heat and leave to cool.
• Stir the remaining ingredients into the chocolate mixture until everything is completely coated.
• Empty the mixture into your lined brownie tin, spreading it out into the corners.
• If using sprinkle over additional mini marshmallows and fudge pieces to decorate, pressing these down slightly with the back of a spoon into the mixture.
• Chill for at least 2 hrs in the fridge then slice into squares using a hot knife for clean cuts.
• Keep in an airtight container in the fridge and enjoy within a 1-2 weeks.


Find more delicious chocolate recipes here